早前據聞安哲羅普洛斯(Angelopoulos)的希臘三部曲之二《歲月風塵》(The Dust of Time,暫譯)會參加今年的康城電影節,如今看來電影還未完成。
安氏的三部曲參照希臘底比斯(Thebes)的悲劇故事。首部曲《悲傷草原》雖然沒有安氏過去電影的深度,但實在很美,你看看電影的預告片就是以一幅幅如畫的劇照構成的 slideshow。加上卡蘭德若(Karaindrou)的音樂(我強調是音樂不是配樂),這就是現代希臘悲劇、二十世紀的希臘史詩。
這部電影的 cast 實在...主角是飾演導演 A 的威廉達科(Willem Dafoe,《殺戮戰場》、《我和殭屍有份合約》),飾演他的母親、其中一個又喚作 Eleni 的 Irene Jacob (《兩生花》、《紅》), Bruno Ganz (《柏林蒼穹下》、《一生何求》、《希特拉的最後12夜》),夏菲基圖(Harvey Keitel,《窮街陋巷》、《鋼琴別戀》、《尤利西斯的凝望》), Alexandra Maria Lara(《希特拉的最後12夜》),還有飾演 A 的父親的 Michel Piccoli(《不羈的美女》)。
Past and present intertwine as A., a film director in his fifties finds himself becoming a part of the film he is making, a chronicle of the tumultuous life and enduring love of his parents Spyros and Eleni. The historical events that marked their lives have their present day parallels. For Spyros and Eleni it was the Second World War which separated them after he immigrated to America in search of a better life as a musician and the Greek civil war that kept them apart when she ended up in the Soviet Union along with other political exiles. For A. it is the Vietnam War, which forces him to flee to Canada and the fall of the Berlin Wall, which signals the birth of a new era... more
而對於安氏電影極其重要的卡蘭德若的音樂也可在 YouTube 找到: